Teachable vs. Udemy: Choosing the Right Online Learning Platform

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In the digital age, online learning has become a cornerstone of personal and professional development. As a result, the demand for online course platforms has skyrocketed, with Teachable and Udemy emerging as two prominent contenders in this space. Choosing the right platform for creating and selling your online courses is a critical decision that can significantly impact your success as an instructor. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the Teachable vs. Udemy debate to help you make an informed choice.

Understanding Teachable

Teachable is a robust online course platform designed to empower course creators and entrepreneurs. With Teachable, you have the freedom to create a fully customized online school that aligns with your brand and vision. It offers a user-friendly interface, making it accessible even to those with limited technical expertise.

One of Teachable’s standout features is its customization options. You can personalize your course pages, add your own branding, and tailor the learning experience to match your unique style. This level of control is invaluable for instructors who want to maintain a distinct online presence.

Teachable provides a range of tools for course creation, marketing, and sales. Instructors can offer various pricing options, including one-time payments, subscriptions, and installment plans. Additionally, the platform offers integrated email marketing and the ability to build a sales funnel, helping you reach a wider audience.

Testimonials from successful instructors abound, emphasizing Teachable’s effectiveness in helping them monetize their expertise. However, to determine if Teachable is right for you, it’s essential to weigh its features against those of Udemy.

Understanding Udemy

Udemy stands as one of the largest and most accessible online learning marketplaces globally, boasting millions of learners. If you’re looking to reach a vast and diverse audience, Udemy might be the platform for you.

Udemy’s strength lies in its reach. It offers instructors immediate access to a substantial user base, reducing the marketing efforts required to attract students. Additionally, Udemy handles much of the technical infrastructure, allowing instructors to focus primarily on course creation.

While customization options on Udemy are limited compared to Teachable, its extensive user base can compensate for this. Udemy also provides various pricing models, including fixed prices and discounted promotions, giving you some flexibility in how you monetize your courses.

Numerous instructors have achieved significant success on Udemy, thanks to its massive audience. However, the level of control and revenue potential can differ significantly from Teachable, and it’s crucial to understand these differences to make an informed choice.

Features and Tools Comparison

Now that we’ve explored the individual strengths of Teachable and Udemy, let’s compare their features and tools head-to-head.

Course Creation:

  • Teachable offers a comprehensive course builder with options for multimedia content and quizzes.
  • Udemy simplifies course creation with user-friendly tools and templates.

Marketing and Sales:

  • Teachable provides integrated email marketing, customizable sales pages, and sales funnel creation.
  • Udemy offers a ready-made marketplace with built-in marketing tools, reducing the need for external promotion.


  • Teachable excels in customization, allowing instructors to create a unique online school.
  • Udemy offers less customization but compensates with its vast user base.

Pricing Structure:

  • Teachable offers flexible pricing options, including one-time payments, subscriptions, and installment plans.
  • Udemy’s pricing model is more standardized, with frequent promotional discounts.

While Teachable provides more control and branding opportunities, Udemy’s vast reach can lead to quicker initial success. Your choice will depend on your specific goals and priorities as an instructor.

Content Control and Ownership

When it comes to content control and ownership, Teachable and Udemy take different approaches.

Teachable empowers instructors with greater control and ownership of their content. You maintain ownership of your student data, have the ability to set your own pricing, and retain control over your branding and messaging. This autonomy can be particularly advantageous for instructors looking to build a distinct online brand or diversify their revenue streams beyond course sales.

In contrast, Udemy exercises more control over content. They may run promotions on your courses without your consent, and Udemy often owns the customer relationship and data. While this can limit some aspects of control, it can also be a convenience factor, as Udemy handles various administrative tasks.

Understanding these distinctions is essential in deciding which platform aligns with your long-term business goals and how you wish to manage your online course content.

Marketing and Promotion

Both Teachable and Udemy offer marketing and promotional tools, but their approaches differ significantly.

Teachable provides instructors with the resources to create their marketing strategies. The integrated email marketing feature allows you to build and nurture your email list, increasing the chances of converting leads into paying students. The ability to create sales funnels also empowers you to design customized, automated marketing campaigns.

On the other hand, Udemy’s marketing primarily revolves around its marketplace. While this can expose your courses to a vast audience, it also means Udemy controls much of the promotional efforts. Keep in mind that Udemy may frequently run sales and promotions on courses, impacting your earnings.

Your choice between the two should align with your marketing preferences. If you enjoy having more control over your marketing efforts and brand, Teachable may be the better fit. However, if you’re looking for a platform that can drive traffic to your courses without extensive self-promotion, Udemy’s marketplace might be more appealing.

Income Potential and Pricing

Evaluating income potential and pricing models is crucial when choosing between Teachable and Udemy.

Teachable allows you to set your course prices and retain most of the revenue. You can experiment with different pricing models, including one-time payments, subscriptions, and installment plans. This flexibility can be particularly beneficial if you have high-value or niche courses.

Udemy, on the other hand, follows a more standardized pricing model. While this may provide initial exposure to a broader audience, it often involves Udemy discounting courses during promotions. Instructors typically earn a percentage of the course sale, which can vary depending on whether the customer was brought in by the instructor or Udemy’s marketing efforts.

To maximize your income, it’s crucial to consider your course pricing and how it aligns with each platform’s model. Teachable offers more control over pricing and revenue, while Udemy can provide quicker access to a vast audience, albeit at a potentially lower price point.

User Experience and Interface

Both Teachable and Udemy prioritize user experience, but their approaches differ.

Teachable’s user interface is known for its simplicity and flexibility. Instructors can easily navigate the platform, customize course pages, and create an immersive learning environment. The intuitive dashboard streamlines the process of managing your courses, students, and sales.

Udemy focuses on simplicity, making it easy for both instructors and learners to navigate. The platform’s user-friendly design ensures students can access courses without hurdles. However, customization options for instructors are more limited, given Udemy’s standardized approach.

Your preference for user experience and interface should align with your comfort level and the specific needs of your audience. If you value extensive customization and control, Teachable’s interface may be preferable. Conversely, if you prioritize simplicity and ease of use, Udemy’s interface may be more appealing.

Support and Customer Service

Support and customer service can significantly impact your experience as an instructor. Let’s compare Teachable and Udemy in this regard.

Teachable offers responsive customer support, with various support channels available. Instructors can access a knowledge base, community forums, and direct customer support via email. The premium plans even include priority customer support, ensuring that you receive assistance promptly.

Udemy also provides support resources, including an instructor help center and community forums. However, the level of individualized support may vary, as Udemy primarily focuses on its vast learner base. Instructors might have to rely more on self-help resources or engage with the community for assistance.

Consider your comfort level with self-service resources and the importance of dedicated customer support when making your platform choice. If you prefer more personalized support, Teachable’s options might align better with your needs.

FAQ Section

Q1: What is the key difference between Teachable and Udemy?

A1: The main difference lies in control and customization. Teachable offers more control, allowing you to create a fully customized online school. Udemy, on the other hand, emphasizes its marketplace, offering a vast audience but with limited customization.

Q2: How do pricing models differ between Teachable and Udemy?

A2: Teachable provides flexibility in setting course prices, including one-time payments, subscriptions, and installment plans. Udemy often discounts courses during promotions, and instructors earn a percentage of the sale, which can vary.

Q3: Which platform is better for marketing and promotion?

A3: It depends on your preferences. Teachable gives you more control over marketing with integrated email marketing and sales funnel creation. Udemy relies more on its marketplace for promotion but may discount courses during promotions.

Q4: Who owns the student data on Teachable and Udemy?

A4: On Teachable, instructors retain ownership of student data. In contrast, Udemy often controls customer relationships and data.


In the Teachable vs. Udemy debate, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Your choice depends on your specific goals and priorities as an instructor.

Teachable offers greater control, customization, and revenue potential, making it suitable for those who want to build a unique online brand and maximize earnings.

Udemy’s massive audience and marketplace can lead to quicker initial success, but at the cost of some control and potential discounts.

Consider your long-term vision, marketing preferences, and how you wish to manage your course content. Ultimately, the ideal platform is the one that aligns best with your specific needs and objectives.

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